Filed under: BDD, Cucumber, Test automation, — Tags: CXF, Cucumber-jvm, JSF, JUnit, Jersey, MVC, Model view controller, REST, RESTAssured, RESTFul, Selenium, Soap, Swing,, Swinggui, WebDriver, Wicket — Thomas Sundberg — 2012-11-01
I have shown you five different ways to implement something on top of a common model using the same behaviour. I hope you can agree that it is obvious that BDD and Cucumber-JVM is not just meant for testing GUIs. It can be used to assert any behaviour.
Remember that you never shall specify implementation details and always define the behaviour in declarative manner. You are interested in the behaviour of the system and less interested in the implementation. The implementation may change, but the expected behaviour may not change with it. Unless you implement new functionality of course or change the desired behaviour of the system.