Filed under: Culture, New developers, TDD, — Tags: TDD, Unit tests — Thomas Sundberg — 2020-02-27
Some time ago I attended a meeting where a developer told us that
The development is done. Wrote som unit tests yesterday. They are not done. I delegated writing them to a colleague.
A statement like that makes me very sad. It also upsets me.
(more...)Filed under: Culture, — Tags: Human beings, Resources — Thomas Sundberg — 2013-11-30
It is common to talk about resources. Unfortunately what we mean is often people who we want to help us with something. A project need resources to be able to solve the task.
(more...)Filed under: Culture, — Tags: Hero — Thomas Sundberg — 2013-09-30
A hero in an organisation is someone who is considered to be indispensible. The organisation will not survive without this person. The hero is the only person with a specific knowledge. A hero sacrifices himself for the organisation.
(more...)Filed under: Culture, — Tags: Configuration management, Curling, Merge, Scaling — Thomas Sundberg — 2013-06-30
What is the problem with one hero that always solves any problem? One answer is that those who get problems solved never learn how to deal with the problem and solve them. What is the problem with this? One answer is that you build an organization where the bus count is one. One person always solves any issues and the organization doesn’t know how to do it. When this person steps out in front of a bus and doesn’t show up at work, then there is a real problem.